Confirmation is held on Wednesday nights from 7:30 - 8:15 P.M. in the United Methodist Church Sanctuary. Vicar Rick (Trinity Lutheran Church) and Pastor Lori teach the 7th -9th graders. The confirmands are learning the basics; the Ten Commandments, Apostle’s Creed, Books of the Bible, the Lord’s Prayer, the Biblical Narrative, and some Wesley/Luther for good measure.
Our mission is to help youth feel and share the love of Christ in order to confirm the vows taken at their baptism and become full members of Balaton United Methodist Church and Trinity Lutheran Church. Teens will learn something new about Jesus, themselves, and have fun and deepen friendships along the way as we explore ways to tie together faith and everyday life. In Year A, we focus on The Word, becoming more comfortable, knowledgeable, and practiced with the Bible as a way to get to know God and ourselves. In Year B, we focus on The Church, becoming more comfortable, knowledgeable, and practiced with being a member of the United Methodist Church. Families who want to be part of Confirmation this year should contact Pastor Lori.
Confirmation for the Fab Four 10/24/2020
Confirmation Students Receive Their Bibles 10/22/2020
Pastor Lori and Vicar Rick work with 2020 confirmands on their faith statements.
March 15-16, 2019 - Confirmation 9th Grade Retreat
The 8 confirmands at their retreat weekend! They had a blast with Pastor Steve, Carrie, Pastor Lori and Ashley Hunt!
The 8 confirmands at their retreat weekend! They had a blast with Pastor Steve, Carrie, Pastor Lori and Ashley Hunt!
United Methodist Church of Balaton
220 2nd Street West | Balaton, MN 56115
Church (507) 734-4811
Parsonage (507) 734-4101
Pastor Lori VonHoltum | Cell (507) 220-3557
Office Email: [email protected]
Church Website: https:/
220 2nd Street West | Balaton, MN 56115
Church (507) 734-4811
Parsonage (507) 734-4101
Pastor Lori VonHoltum | Cell (507) 220-3557
Office Email: [email protected]
Church Website: https:/