Thank you for your gift of your time and talents!
- Get there early on Sunday mornings to get the battery operated candles turned on in the windows and also turn them off at the end of the service.
- Hand out church bulletins and greet people as they come.
- Make sure lights heat/air conditioner is turned on and also off at the end of the service.
- Record attendance on the clipboard in the coat closet.
- Check pews for items left behind, pick up bulletins for recycle and replace hymnals.
United Methodist Church of Balaton
220 2nd Street West | Balaton, MN 56115
Church (507) 734-4811
Parsonage (507) 734-4101
Pastor Lori VonHoltum | Cell (507) 220-3557
Office Email: [email protected]
Church Website: https:/
220 2nd Street West | Balaton, MN 56115
Church (507) 734-4811
Parsonage (507) 734-4101
Pastor Lori VonHoltum | Cell (507) 220-3557
Office Email: [email protected]
Church Website: https:/