Balaton UMC Online Giving

Giving electronically is a secure way of giving our tithes and offerings of generosity to God through the ministry of the Balaton United Methodist Church.
BUMC recently partnered with Vanco Services to offer online giving. When you click the "Give Online" button, Vanco's secure portal page opens to complete your transaction.
BUMC recently partnered with Vanco Services to offer online giving. When you click the "Give Online" button, Vanco's secure portal page opens to complete your transaction.
Balaton UMC Traditional Giving
Give a gift of cash or check during our services on Sundays or Wednesday night J.A.M. You can also mail them to Balaton United Methodist Church, PO Box 383, Balaton MN 56115.
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion,
for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7
Secure Online Giving SMART Phone App
Using our secure online giving option, individuals may create a one time or recurring donation to the Balaton United Methodist Church using a debit card, credit card or bank account.
Click on the 'Give Online' button below to visit our secure online donation page. |
Giving electronically is a secure way of giving our tithes and offerings of generosity to God through the ministry of Balaton United Methodist Church.
GENERAL FUND provides resources for our ministry and mission.
MEMORIAL FUND provides an opportunity for donors to designate a gift for a specific need in memory of a loved one.
SPECIAL OFFERING provides an opportunity to provide additional resources for our ministry and mission.
ENDOWMENT FUND makes a lasting difference in Balaton United Methodist Church's ability to "make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world". Remember Balaton United Methodist Church in wills, trusts, retirement accounts and life insurance designations and create a legacy with the power to touch many lives.
MEMORIAL FUND provides an opportunity for donors to designate a gift for a specific need in memory of a loved one.
SPECIAL OFFERING provides an opportunity to provide additional resources for our ministry and mission.
ENDOWMENT FUND makes a lasting difference in Balaton United Methodist Church's ability to "make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world". Remember Balaton United Methodist Church in wills, trusts, retirement accounts and life insurance designations and create a legacy with the power to touch many lives.
United Methodist Church of Balaton
220 2nd Street West | Balaton, MN 56115
Church (507) 734-4811
Parsonage (507) 734-4101
Pastor Lori VonHoltum | Cell (507) 220-3557
Office Email: [email protected]
Church Website: https:/
220 2nd Street West | Balaton, MN 56115
Church (507) 734-4811
Parsonage (507) 734-4101
Pastor Lori VonHoltum | Cell (507) 220-3557
Office Email: [email protected]
Church Website: https:/