Meet Pastor Lori
Pastor Lori and Jim live in Lismore where Jim farms and is an auctioneer. They have two grown sons, J.J. and Adam. J. J. is married to Amy (Timmer) and together they have three beautiful children Rhyan, Dax and Tate making PL and Jim extremely proud grandparents. They bring them so much joy.
Pastor Lori received her call to full-time ministry after serving as the Youth Minister in Luverne. She is a licensed local pastor serving the Balaton UMC as well as being a volunteer chaplain for the Murray County hospice house in Slayton.
She is a co-pastor for the ecumenical youth program J.A.M. (Jesus and Me) that meets on Wednesday nights Sept - May. She is joined by the Trinity and Sillerud Lutheran Pastor as they lead J.A.M., and the community they serve, showing how to be the hands and feet of Jesus. J.A.M. is an amazing program that impacts the Christian walk for children and adults as they experience Jesus Christ in new and exciting ways. J.A.M. is biblically based program that includes singing, dancing, reading and acting out scripture, learning to pray for others, eating together and enjoying the gift of fellowship. Pastor Lori jokingly refers to Wednesday nights as the "Circus of the Holy Spirit".
Pastor Lori loves the Lord, her family, morning coffee and the Balaton community. She reaches out to many, extending well beyond the city limits of Balaton with her outreach, because with Jesus there are no limits! We are blessed to have her as our pastor. Her inviting spirit and can do attitude for God are contagious. The Balaton UMC invites you to come and meet her.
Pastor Lori received her call to full-time ministry after serving as the Youth Minister in Luverne. She is a licensed local pastor serving the Balaton UMC as well as being a volunteer chaplain for the Murray County hospice house in Slayton.
She is a co-pastor for the ecumenical youth program J.A.M. (Jesus and Me) that meets on Wednesday nights Sept - May. She is joined by the Trinity and Sillerud Lutheran Pastor as they lead J.A.M., and the community they serve, showing how to be the hands and feet of Jesus. J.A.M. is an amazing program that impacts the Christian walk for children and adults as they experience Jesus Christ in new and exciting ways. J.A.M. is biblically based program that includes singing, dancing, reading and acting out scripture, learning to pray for others, eating together and enjoying the gift of fellowship. Pastor Lori jokingly refers to Wednesday nights as the "Circus of the Holy Spirit".
Pastor Lori loves the Lord, her family, morning coffee and the Balaton community. She reaches out to many, extending well beyond the city limits of Balaton with her outreach, because with Jesus there are no limits! We are blessed to have her as our pastor. Her inviting spirit and can do attitude for God are contagious. The Balaton UMC invites you to come and meet her.
United Methodist Church of Balaton
220 2nd Street West | Balaton, MN 56115
Church (507) 734-4811
Parsonage (507) 734-4101
Pastor Lori VonHoltum | Cell (507) 220-3557
Office Email: [email protected]
Church Website: https:/
220 2nd Street West | Balaton, MN 56115
Church (507) 734-4811
Parsonage (507) 734-4101
Pastor Lori VonHoltum | Cell (507) 220-3557
Office Email: [email protected]
Church Website: https:/